Meet our leadership

Dr Finn Majlergaard - CEO of Dissertation Nurse

Dr Finn Majlergaard: Founder of DissertationNurse

Dr Finn Majlergaard is a distinguished academic and experienced mentor, serving as a visiting professor at several top-ranked business schools and universities across the globe. With more than two decades of experience coaching dissertation students, Dr Majlergaard has seen first-hand the significant challenges they face in completing their dissertations. Balancing demanding careers, family responsibilities, and the intense pressures of academic work often leaves students feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, and struggling to finish their degrees.

Driven by a deep commitment to student success, Dr Majlergaard has spent years developing effective strategies to help students stay motivated and achieve their academic goals—without compromising their health or personal lives.

Recognising the untapped potential of countless professionals with valuable insights and experiences to share, Dr Majlergaard founded His vision was to create a global platform that connects dissertation students with expert supervisors who can provide both academic guidance and personal support. Through DissertationNurse, he aims to empower more students to overcome obstacles, complete their dissertations, and graduate with confidence, turning their academic challenges into a strong foundation for future success.

Connect with Professor Finn MAJLERGAARD on LinkedIn

Meet our advisory board

Edwin Diender

Mr. Diender joined Huawei at the end of 2011 to establish industry solution sales practices in the WEU
region. He has since become a spokesperson for global analyst organizations and media outlets and serves
as a coach, mentor, and part-time lecturer at Huawei University.
Additionally, he is involved with various non-profit boards and standardization bodies. In 2015, he was
appointed CTO in the UC&C Marketing & Solution Sales department and later became Vice President Public
Mr. Diender is recognized as a Most Valued Professional in Huawei Enterprise and currently holds the
position of Chief Innovation Officer, where he assists customers and partners with their digital journey in
areas such as energy transition and carbon neutrality.
He focuses on smart city economics, intelligent energy solutions, and the informatization of the power grid.

Dr Peter Morgan

Dr Peter Morgan is currently Curriculum Lead (Leadership and Business Management area) and Associate Professor at Coventry University’s School of Strategy and Leadership. He has received institutional awards for his teaching work at both the University of Bradford and the University of Nottingham. Finally, by way of brief introduction, he has been in educational leadership roles since the early 2000’s, has more than 25+ years in leading international education and comes with a background in Organisational Behaviour.
As the lead individual in his area at Coventry, he oversees one large undergraduate programme – BA Business Management (BA BM) and two small but corporate-based postgraduate programmes – as well as line managing 8 members of faculty and more than 30 modules. He has been leading recent accreditation activities for the BA BM programme, has been leading the team of 15 to develop and deliver a module for more than 850 undergraduate and has been bringing in others with specific e-learning expertise to enhance the learning experience for students.

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